Brilliant Media leverages its understanding of usability, interactive design and audiences to create advanced Intranet and information systems for corporate and government leaders. Using our PowerView platform, we produce innovative, user-driven knowledge systems that help senior decisionmakers take better, more informed actions and further their organization's goals.

Clients in this arena include Warner Bros., the Air Force, DARPA, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, among others.

The Warner Bros. Movie Marketing System (MMS2) is an information and decision support system developed by Brilliant Media for the co-chairmen of Warner Bros. and their top management. These executives use MMS2 to make critical decisions regarding the marketing and promotion of motion pictures.


MMS2, which is built on Brilliant Media's PowerView technology, has helped Warner Bros. save—literally—millions of dollars in marketing, talent and administrative costs, and has increased revenues and marketing opportunities for the studio's domestic motion picture distribution operations.

We are now applying our PowerView software to the vast array of information that confronts senior military commanders, through a DARPA-sponsored pilot project with the Air Force and our work with the National Technology Alliance.