Crossing the bog at
Milk Ranch |
Back on track at
the next meadow up |
View as we climb up
the North Ridge trail |
Resting in another
burned-out spot |
Arriving at our
lunch spot |
Hey! Where do you
think you're going with my wasabi pea? |
Me and our lunch
stop view |
David taking in the
scenery |
Purple flowers on
the ridge trail |
View from the top
of the ridge line |
The beginning of
our longest stretch of burned-out forest |
Paige and Theresa
on the ridge |
Ghost trees
guarding the snowy trail |
The imprint of a
burned tree |
The remains of a
manzanita, sneaking up on Theresa, Dale and Paige |
Fallen tree bark
patterns |
Paige checking out
the slowly-recovering pines |
Dale, Theresa and
Paige at the big fallen tree |
Back at the loop
junction, having survived the land of a thousand swtichbacks |
A cascade on Stony
creek, seen from the switchbacks |
Me with David's
ornery bear canister |